"Writers do not merely reflect and interpret life, they inform and shape life."

- E.B. White Quotes

Top & Most Famous E.B. White Quotes

"Perhaps success in the future will depend partly on our ability to generate cheap power, but I think it will depend to a greater extent on our ability to resist a technological formula that is sterile: peas without pageantry, corn without coon, knowledge without wisdom, kitchens without a warm stove. There is more to these rocks than uranium; there is the lichen on the rock, the smell of the fern whose feet are upon the rock, the view from the rock. Last."

- E.B. White Quotes

"One morning when the wind was blowing from the West, Stuart put on his sailor suit and his sailor hat, took his spyglass down from the shelf, and set out for a walk, full of the joy of life and the fear of dogs."

- E.B. White Quotes

"The grave in the woods is unmarked, but Fred can direct the mourner to it unerringly and with immense good will, and I know he and I shall often revisit it, singly and together, in seasons of reflection and despair, on flagless memorial days of our own choosing."

- E.B. White Quotes

"Advice from this elderly practitioner is to forget publishers and just roll a sheet of copy paper into your machine and get lost in your subject."

- E.B. White Quotes

"When I am composed I feel no need of affiliating myself with anybody. There is a lot of the cat in me, and cats are not joiners."

- E.B. White Quotes

"I wanted no interruption in the regularity of feeding, the steadiness of growth, the even succession of days. I wanted no interruption, wanted no oil, no deviation."

- E.B. White Quotes

"Omit needless words! Omit needless words! Omit needless words!"

- E.B. White Quotes

"The value of the liberal in the republic is not that he is logical but that he is inquisitive."

- E.B. White Quotes

"Some day people will put faith in poets, who saw things centuries ago in perfect clarity."

- E.B. White Quotes

"As for business, we agree that it is a hard, cold-blooded game. Survival of the fittest. Dog eat dog. The fact that about eighty-five per cent of the dogs have recently been eaten by the other dogs perhaps explains what long ago we noticed about business: that it had a strong smell of boloney. If dog continues to eat dog, there will be only one dog left, and he will be sick to his stomach."

- E.B. White Quotes

"So complete is each neighborhood, and so strong the sense of neighborhood, that many a New Yorker spends a lifetime within the confines of an area smaller than a country village. Let him walk two blocks from his corner and he is in a strange land and will feel uneasy till he gets back."

- E.B. White Quotes

"Anyone who writes down to children is simply wasting his time. You have to write up, not down."

- E.B. White Quotes

"Some of the best writings of writers, it seems to us, were done before they actually thought of themselves as engaged in producing literature. Some of the best humor of humorists was produced before ever they heard the distant laughter of their multitudes."

- E.B. White Quotes

"I distrust the slightest hint of a standard for political rectitude, knowing that it will open the way for persons in authority to set arbitrary standards of human behavior."

- E.B. White Quotes

"As in the sexual experience, there are never more than two persons present in the act of reading-the writer, who is the impregnator, and the reader, who is the resspondent. This gives the experience of reading a sublimity and power unequalled by any other form of communication."

- E.B. White Quotes

"Louis is a musician. Like most musicians, he is in need of money."

- E.B. White Quotes

"Where I would like to discover facts, I find fancy. Where I would like to learn what I did, I learn only what I was thinking. They are loaded with opinion, moral thoughts, quick evaluations, youthful hopes and cares and sorrows. Occasionally they manage to report something in exquisite honesty and accuracy. That is why I have refrained from burning them."

- E.B. White Quotes

"I fell in love with the sound of an early typewriter and I have been stuck with it ever since."

- E.B. White Quotes

"There is no trick to it. If you like to write and want to write, you write, no matter where you are or what else you are doing or whether anyone pays any heed."

- E.B. White Quotes

"It seemed to me that I should have a desk, even though I had no real need for a desk. I was afraid that if I had no desk in my room my life would seem too haphazard."

- E.B. White Quotes

"I can only assume that your editorial writer tripped over the First Amendment and thought it was the office cat."

- E.B. White Quotes

"Why is it, do you suppose, that an Englishman is unhappy until he has explained America?"

- E.B. White Quotes

"The most puzzling thing about TV is the steady advance of the sponsor across the line that has always separated news from promotion, entertainment from merchandising. The advertiser has assumed the role of originator, and the performer has gradually been eased into the role of peddler."

- E.B. White Quotes

"Wilbur never forgot Charlotte… She was in a class by herself. It is not often that someone comes a long who is a true friend and a good writer. Charlotte was both."

- E.B. White Quotes

"Children are game for anything. I throw them hard words, and they backhand them over the net. They love words that give them a hard time, provided they are in a context that absorbs their attention."

- E.B. White Quotes

"And the fan takes over again, and the heat and the relaxed air and the memory of so many good little dinners in so many good little illegal places, with the theme of love, the sound of ventilation, the brief medicinal illusion of gin."

- E.B. White Quotes

"Necessity first mothered invention. Now invention has little ones of her own, and they look just like grandma."

- E.B. White Quotes

"Do not be afraid to seize whatever you have written and cut it to ribbons; it can always be restored to its original condition in the morning… remember, it is no sign of weakness or defeat that your manuscript ends up in need of major surgery. This is a common occurrence in all writing, and among the best writers."

- E.B. White Quotes

"In middle life, the human back is spoiling for a technical knockout and will use the flimsiest excuse, even a sneeze, to fall apart."

- E.B. White Quotes

"Yet in tearing us apart he somehow held us together. In obstructing, he strengthened us. In criticizing, he informed. In his rich, aromatic heresy, he nourished our faith. He was also a plain damned nuisance, I must not forget that."

- E.B. White Quotes

"Diplomacy is the lowest form of politeness because it misquotes the greatest number of people. A nation, like an individual, if it has anything to say, should simply say it."

- E.B. White Quotes

"A candidate could easily commit political suicide if he were to come up with an unconventional thought during a presidential tour."

- E.B. White Quotes

"Both tend to speak of national security as though it were still capable of being dissociated from universal well-being; in fact, sometimes in these political addresses it sounds as though this nation, or any nation, through force of character or force of arms, could damn well rise above planetary considerations, as though we were greater than our environment, as though the national verve somehow transcended the natural world."

- E.B. White Quotes

"I find the natural world as engaging and as innocent as it ever was. When I get sick of what men do, I have only to walk a few steps in another direction to see what spiders do. Or what the weather does. This sustains me very well indeed, and I have no complaints."

- E.B. White Quotes

"Old stone walls ran into the woods, and now and then there would be an empty barn as a ghostly landmark. The night grew frosty and the ground underfoot was slippery with rime. The bare birches wore the stars on their fingers, and the world rolled seductively, a dark symphony of brooding groves and plains."

- E.B. White Quotes

"I have a spaniel that defrocked a nun last week. He took hold of the cord. I had hold of the leash. It was like elephants holding tails. Imagine me undressing a nun, even second hand."

- E.B. White Quotes

"This week, many will be reminded that no explosion of atoms generates so hopeful a light as the reflection of a star, seen appreciatively in a pasture pond."

- E.B. White Quotes

"I can still feel my old Ford nuzzling me at the curb, as though looking for an apple in my pocket."

- E.B. White Quotes

"In the nature of things, a person engaged in the flimsy business of expressing himself on paper is dependent on the large general privilege of being heard. Any intimation that this privilege may be revoked throws a writer into panic."

- E.B. White Quotes

"I believe in dreams. People should have faith in the songs poets sing."

- E.B. White Quotes

"Only a person who is congenially self-centered has the effrontery and the stamina to write essays."

- E.B. White Quotes

"There is simply a better chance of doing well if the writer holds a steady course, enters the stream of English quietly, and does not thrash about."

- E.B. White Quotes

"Every night, before he turned in, he would write in the book. He wrote about things he had done, things he had seen, and thoughts he had had. Sometimes he drew a picture. He always ended by asking himself a question so he would have something to think about while falling asleep."

- E.B. White Quotes

"Computing machines perhaps can do the work of a dozen ordinary men, but there is no machine that can do the work of one extraordinary man."

- E.B. White Quotes

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