Top & Most Famous H. Jackson Brown Jr. Quotes

"Pay as much attention to the things that are working positively in your life as you do to the things that give you trouble."

- H. Jackson Brown Jr. Quotes

"A friend is someone who knows you and loves you for what you were and who you are, and who also shares your hopes and dreams for who you can become."

- H. Jackson Brown Jr. Quotes

"If you were to sell your character, would you get full retail or would it go for a bargain-basement price?"

- H. Jackson Brown Jr. Quotes

"Make a list of twenty-five things you want to experience before you die. Carry it in your wallet or purse and refer to it often."

- H. Jackson Brown Jr. Quotes

"Ask yourself if you would feel comfortable giving your two best friends a key to your house. If not, look for some new best friends."

- H. Jackson Brown Jr. Quotes

"Remember that creating a successful marriage is like farming: you have to start over again every morning."

- H. Jackson Brown Jr. Quotes

"A racehorse that consistently runs just a second faster than another horse is worth millions of dollars more. Be willing to give that extra effort that separates the winner from the one in second place."

- H. Jackson Brown Jr. Quotes

"All that mankind has ever learned is nothing more than a single grain of sand on a beach that reaches to infinity."

- H. Jackson Brown Jr. Quotes

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